Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Trying to Catch Up....and a Cutie!!

My life is one big catch up game.... it seems like I can just never get ahead!! Though I'm sure most of you reading this know exactly what I mean, it's something that just drives me nutty. I guess it's the "control-freak" side of me....I want to be caught up. Like yesterday! But after a much-needed move and also helping Taylor get adjusted and involved in a new playgroup, I finally feel like I'm ready to dive back into work...not that I had much of a break! The last month of pretty much non-stop thunderstorms have helped me gain my sanity back to some degree...
But hey, being busy is great!! Right?!?!
Just wanted to post some shots from one of my favorite little guys at his All American Kids shoot....check out that hair!! Could he get any cuter?!?

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