Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We're going through a Growth Spurt!

After a year or so of learning & practicing & figuring out all of this "business stuff"'s time for my little business to jump to the next level! But no prices won't be taking a huge hike, and I hope to still be affordable to all those who cherish their little one's priceless photos. Please check out the website for all new policies (some already in effect) and price changes effective March 1st.
One new policy that has been implemented immediately is the number of days your proofs will be available for online viewing. I have not really enforced this in the past, and that has led to many months going by with orders not being placed. Which leads to lots of loose ends,etc. So to keep my sanity, (and all of this business stuff under control!), there is now a limit of 5 days of online viewing. After 5 days, the link to your album will expire, and your order must be placed. To see proofs after your link has expired requires a $25 reactivation fee.
Thank you so much to all of you who have helped me grow during my first year or so of following my dream... I hope that I have given you a special gift of precious photos that you will cherish always.

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