Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm such a bad blogger....

I'm so sad! What a terrible blogger I am! I just can't find the time to update this silly thing....this business of mine has really thrown me for a loop...I would have never DREAMED that it would have taken off the way it has! Which is definitely a good thing...but leaves me wondering where the days, weeks, & months have gone. I spend my days at shoots or editing pictures by the hundreds (at least it seems that way!) and trying to keep my sweet & sassy daughter healthy, happy, & entertained. So my poor little blog just gets pushed to the side.... But I promise to do better...To see some shoots I've been doing, you can always visit my full gallery at Flickr: Photos from kustomkiddies ....this is where I'm always uploading new shots. Ok, back to work!

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